The AMY Carbonica Solid Hookah is a high-quality and visually striking hookah that combines elegance with durability. This hookah is expertly crafted with a solid stainless steel stem, ensuring long-lasting performance and resistance to rust or corrosion. Its sleek and modern design features clean lines and a solid construction that adds a touch of sophistication to any smoking session. t comes with a wide-bore stainless steel downstem that promotes smooth airflow and optimal flavor delivery.

Carbonica Solid S took the market by storm. Its elegant design with an aesthetically pleasing structure has made waves for itself. In addition, it also comes in multiple colors like black, blue, and red. In addition, its chimney is crafted elegantly with steel, and the same can be said about the coal tray. Moving on, the other features of carbonica solids contains:

  • Stone tobacco head + hot screen.
  • Ground adapter with ball joint made of stainless steel.
  • Amazingly four connections.
  • A pretty unique closed chamber system.
  • Silicon hose with a mouthpiece made from aluminium.
  • A perfectly attached diffuser.

Moreover, the closed chamber of Carbonica Solid S contains two features. First, you can expel the stale smoke with a single blow. The sturdy glass base not only provides stability but also allows you to observe the swirling smoke as you indulge in your favorite shisha flavors.. Afterwards, the secure chamber system also enhances the overall smoking experience. Get Carbonica Solid now and have the best hookah experience of your life. 


Black, Blue, Red